There are a host of new laws and regulations that are in play in 2023, and failing to take note will cost you money and will raise the chances that you will face legal liability.
Mix in economic and real estate trends that raise volatility and uncertainty, and you need reliable and updated information. SLG Aims to bring that to you.
Stay tuned as SLG covers trends in the real estate market:
Don’t learn the hard way, after you are sued. Prepare now and listen to SLG attorneys as they take you into 2023, with new laws and trends affecting RE.
Disclaimer: None of the legal, or financial opinions or information expressed in this podcast may be relied on as legal, or investment advice by Scheer Law Group, LLP. Laws and economic issues affecting the subjects of this podcast change daily. This mandates specific review of legal or economic issues of interest or concern to you with legal counsel or financial advisors who are experienced in the areas of law or finance discussed in this podcast.
For more on Scheer Law Group, LLP, go to
The fall of Crypto King FTX may be the beginning of the end of rampant speculation in cryptocurrencies. What was originally thought to be a way out of government regulation and oversight may turn out to be the catalyst for the most intrusive and far-ranging government regulation of your finances and personal information in the history of this planet.
Make no mistake: Block chain and distributive ledger technology is here to stay. It is the next wave of accounting and information storage and exchange. However, the marquee names for crypto currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum and Tether may just have been the latest Ponzi Scheme or Tulip Mania, and may give way to sovereign controls, as governments across the planet supplant or take control of crypto currencies like Bitcoin in the name of regulation or consumer safety.
Listen to the re-release of my interview with Dr. Philippa Malmgren, economist, entrepreneur and former Presidential Advisor as we discuss these topics. Pippa is wonderfully insightfully and will give you a likely view into the future of crypto, NFTs and more so you can determine whether the rust to crypto craze is the latest Ponzi scheme or the beginning of a Brave new World, and………. Who will be the winners and losers in the Crypto World?
In our Legal Segment: SLG will examine the latest news on the FTX bankruptcy, a test run for the U.S. Digital Dollar and new regulations governing discharge of student loan debt in bankruptcy.
Disclaimer: None of the legal, or financial opinions or information expressed in this podcast may be relied on as legal, or investment advice by Scheer Law Group, LLP. Laws and economic issues affecting the subjects of this podcast change daily. This mandates specific review of legal or economic issues of interest or concern to you with legal counsel or financial advisors who are experienced in the areas of law or finance discussed in this podcast.
For more on Scheer Law Group, LLP, go to
In our Legal Segment:
“Red Alert”, as the CA 5thDistrict Court of appeals makes charging default interest in CA a risky proposition. Learn why. Then take a few minutes to examine the state of the retail, industrial and residential rental markets in California.
In our interview segment:
Buy an Electric Vehicle or Gas Powered Vehicle? Are cataclysmic weather events increasing or decreasing in the U.S How Long Until Global Warming Can’t be Fixed? Climate Crises or Climate Hoax?
The average person in the U.S and most scientists view increasing natural disasters like hurricanes, tsunamis, coastal flooding and other natural disasters as evidence that man’s impact on the environment has accelerated global warming and climate change that threaten the existence of the planet. However, other reputable scientists and climatologists have argued that the greatest impact on the environment/climate comes from natural phenomenon i.e. the 500 hundred year drought in the S. W. U.S etc. and that man’s impact on global warming and climate change is not nearly as impacting as generally supposed.
One side argues that we must push immediately for green tech no matter what the cost to save the planet and to usher in better tech. The other side urges more gradual transition to “green tech” using fossil fuels and nuclear energy responsibly to avoid the imposition of unproven and economically disruptive agendas and to responsibly transition to ”green”
Join Spencer as he interviews Greg Whitestone a noted geologist, best-selling author and a member of the CO2 Coalition to find discuss these issues and other related questions. Whether you agree with Greg or not, you will want to hear what he has to say.
Disclaimer: None of the legal, or financial opinions or information expressed in this podcast may be relied on as legal, or investment advice by Scheer Law Group, LLP. Laws and economic issues affecting the subjects of this podcast change daily. This mandates specific review of legal or economic issues of interest or concern to you with legal counsel or financial advisors who are experienced in the areas of law or finance discussed in this podcast.
For more on Scheer Law Group, LLP, go to
This country and the world have recently emerged from one of the greatest socio-economic calamities since WWII. The pandemic, lockdowns and the resultant economic and political repercussions have accelerated social change on a magnitude that usually takes decades to occur.
Issues that have pushed their way to the forefront are:
All these and more have been pushed front and center, seemingly all at once. People are passionately and in some cases bitterly divided on these issues. Many question whether this nation can go on being as divided as it is on core existential issues, while millions flee to states where they believe their way of life is being protected or preserved from social and governmental intrusion.
The 2022 Midterm Elections provide a first chance for this Country to take its own temperature and to find out if there is consensus and if there are any issues can unify this nation, or if we are headed down the path of division and disunity.
In this final Episode of this Three part series on the 2022 Mid-Term Elections, join Spencer and his faithful “Wing Woman” Marti as they go across the nation to ask America one question:
Tell Every Politician in the Country What is the biggest issue of concern to you and why?
You may be surprised at what Americans have to say.
Disclaimer: None of the legal, or financial opinions or information expressed in this podcast may be relied on as legal, or investment advice by Scheer Law Group, LLP. Laws and economic issues affecting the subjects of this podcast change daily. This mandates specific review of legal or economic issues of interest or concern to you with legal counsel or financial advisors who are experienced in the areas of law or finance discussed in this podcast.For more on Scheer Law Group, LLP, go to
Many view the upcoming 2022 midterm elections as a referendum on the direction of this nation and an opportunity for the people to make their voices heard on critical issues that will likely decide the future of our nation. The views of right and left on issues of gun control, crime, individual liberties, parental rights, and border control could not be further apart. This provides an opportunity for Americans to clearly see the differences and make their voices known.
Join Truth Serum for this three Part Series on the Elections. In the first episode we examined the issue of election integrity and if the current process is free and fair. In this second part of the series, Spencer Interviews Jim Lee of Susquehanna Polling and Research , one of the most-preeminent polling and data research companies in the nation. In a time when America is more divided than any time since the Civil War, Jim will provide polling and focus group data on the issues of most concern to Americans as we head into the November midterms elections. Don’t miss a minute of the fascinating series.
Then Tune into our Legal Segment as we review the death proposed SB1323 in California and other news of interest to lenders and investors.
Disclaimer: None of the legal, or financial opinions or information expressed in this podcast may be relied on as legal, or investment advice by Scheer Law Group, LLP. Laws and economic issues affecting the subjects of this podcast change daily. This mandates specific review of legal or economic issues of interest or concern to you with legal counsel or financial advisors who are experienced in the areas of law or finance discussed in this podcast.For more on Scheer Law Group, LLP, go to
Many view the upcoming 2022 midterm elections as a referendum on the direction of this nation and an opportunity for the people to make their voices heard on critical issues that will likely decide the future of our nation. The views of right. Left on issues of gun control, crime, individual liberties, parental rights, and border control could not be further apart. This provides an opportunity for Americans to clearly see the differences and make their voices known.
Join Truth Serum for a Three Part Series on the Elections. First we will examine the issue of election integrity and if the current process is free and fair. Then we will examine the differences between right and left on key critical issues in play in the mid-term election. Finally, we will go across the nation to hear what the voters of this country consider the single biggest issue of concern to them and what they want done about it. Don’t miss a minute of the fascinating series.
In the first part of this series Spencer will interview attorney, entrepreneur and business owner John Graves. John is a nationally recognized expert on election integrity issues and is the CEO of an association that encourage people across the nation to make their voices and concerns known. John and I will discuss concerns raised by the right and the left about the election process, if there is hope for free and fair midterm elections and what individual citizens like me and you can do to make sure it happens.
Then Tune into our Legal Segment as we review newly proposed SB1323 in California. If passed it will require that foreclosure trustees market and sell any covered property in foreclosure that has 10% or more equity!
Disclaimer: None of the legal, or financial opinions or information expressed in this podcast may be relied on as legal, or investment advice by Scheer Law Group, LLP. Laws and economic issues affecting the subjects of this podcast change daily. This mandates specific review of legal or economic issues of interest or concern to you with legal counsel or financial advisors who are experienced in the areas of law or finance discussed in this podcast.For more on Scheer Law Group, LLP, go to
It was not that long ago that economists were touting the V-Shape Recovery. However, there is increasing evidence that a recession is in view and that it may have already begun, and that the Fed may be fighting the wrong battle by furiously raising rates now, and may have to switch back to easing to avoid a worsening recession. In our Legal Segment, Spencer cites mounting evidence that a recession may have already started. Perhaps there will be a V Shaped recovery after all. However, if the storm clouds portend rain, then now is the time to prepare. Prepare your investments, your job situation, your spending and your risk tolerance, because it is likely to be a wild ride.
Then join Spencer as he interviews Steve Stone, CEO of 1st United Services Credit Union, as they discuss the impact of the pandemic on Credit Unions, the resiliency of Credit Unions in a rapidly changing financial market, and as they take a fascinating look into the most underrated rock and roll bands of all time.
Disclaimer: None of the legal, or financial opinions or information expressed in this podcast may be relied on as legal, or investment advice by Scheer Law Group, LLP. Laws and economic issues affecting the subjects of this podcast change daily. This mandates specific review of legal or economic issues of interest or concern to you with legal counsel or financial advisors who are experienced in the areas of law or finance discussed in this podcast.For more on Scheer Law Group, LLP, go to
There are a host of new laws and court rulings that will impact lenders, landlords and investors in 2022. Anything from keeping your tax basis when you sell your property in CA, to whether loans that escape usury regulation can lose the exemption when there is a loan workout. Join Spencer as he gets the update on these new laws and cases, as well as other existential issues such as whether your tonsils can ever grow back after removal, as he interviews Attorney Reilly Wilkinson.
Then listen in to Spencer’s interview with noted expert Mark P. Mills. Mark is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a former U.S. Presidential Science Advisor a physicist and noted author. Mark recently wrote a book called Cloud Revolution. Mark makes the case that we have entered into a new era he describes as the Roaring 2020s, where how we live and work will change in a way never before seen in human history because of the confluence of three key technological innovations. Don’t miss this optimistic glimpse of the future. Everything from robots taking over work we now do, to the benefits and perils of the Metaverse.
Disclaimer: None of the legal, or financial opinions or information expressed in this podcast may be relied on as legal, or investment advice by Scheer Law Group, LLP. Laws and economic issues affecting the subjects of this podcast change daily. This mandates specific review of legal or economic issues of interest or concern to you with legal counsel or financial advisors who are experienced in the areas of law or finance discussed in this podcast.For more on Scheer Law Group, LLP, go to
TS rarely makes economic calls, as we are not economists and you should not make any economic decisions based on our opinions. But we closely follow and interview many economist and follow the trends in the commercial and residential RE market closely and we are developing conviction that big changes to the residential real estate market may be coming: Listen in and find out why.
Then join Spencer in this conclusion to our Special Two Part Series: Addiction Divorce and Recovery-It’s a Family Affair, as he interviews Andrea Ashely, the host of the skyrocketing podcast for addicts and recovering addicts and those who live with them, called Adult Child. Spencer and Andrea will discuss problems facing those seeking to recover from drug or alcohol addiction and how in many cases just getting clean or sober may not be enough. Sometimes, a person can overcome physical addition, but still a prisoner to habits that were instilled or developed at childhood from a dysfunctional upbringing. Listen as Andrea Ashely describes the concept of adult-child and how some addicts and alcoholics may need to become free of these issues in order to fully recover from addiction. It could be one of the best podcasts for you or someone you love to hear all year!
Disclaimer: None of the legal, or financial opinions or information expressed in this podcast may be relied on as legal, or investment advice by Scheer Law Group, LLP. Laws and economic issues affecting the subjects of this podcast change daily. This mandates specific review of legal or economic issues of interest or concern to you with legal counsel or financial advisors who are experienced in the areas of law or finance discussed in this podcast.
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Truth Serum is happy to present a Special Two Part Series entitled: ADDICTION, DIVORCE & RECOVERY: IT’S A FAMILY AFFAIR.
Legal Templates which offers legal forms, including divorce and separation documents, published a report on July 29, 2020 with ongoing statistics about the impact of the pandemic on the family.
The news on addiction and mental health was also alarming.
A study by Frontiers in Psychiatry Published online on April 16, 2021 found that:
As of May 2020, 39% of Americans lost their jobs or had their work hours curtailed due to the pandemic. The stress of financial uncertainty along with an increase in free time and the absence of employment repercussions lead to significant increased drug use. The CDC estimated a record number of US drug-related deaths in 2020.
While the medical impact of the pandemic is lessening, addiction mental health problems and suicides continue to skyrocket while divorces continues to disrupt families, with the most traumatic impact on younger children. A sub species of this problem is the fentanyl and opioid epidemic that is skyrocketing in this county, tearing at the roots of our culture.
In the first episode of this Two Part Series, we examine the impact of divorce on the individual, the family and the country as a whole, and we explore the concept of blended family relationships.
In the second episode we will explore addiction and why just getting clean or sober may only be part of the solution. I will be interviewing noted podcast host Andrea Ashely whose podcast Adult Child explores why family trauma and dysfunction can impact addicts well after sobriety is obtained, and how dealing with the root family issues is a necessary component of recovery for many addicts.
Socially and physically, the impact of divorce can be equally devastating: A recent study published by Brianna Thomas in 2020 examined the effects of divorce on children. She found that the impact of a divorce on young children is now clinically defined as “toxic stress,” or stress on a younger child over a prolonged period of time. This often translates to lower learning skills, increased behavioral problems, and heightened injuries resulting from teen pregnancy and sex trafficking. These results are not eliminated but are vastly mitigated in a two parent household.
This is likely no surprise to most of my listeners. You have likely had to cope or interact directly with divorce or with children or grandchildren who have been greatly impacted by divorce.
Many people who divorce remarry. To further complicate things, many who remarry also bring children, resulting in what has come to be known as a Blended Family. What particular challenges face Blended Families and what can they do to up the odds that their marriage won’t fail?
Join me in Part one of this two part series, as I interview Ron Deal. Ron is the Director of Family Life Blended and a best-selling author. We discuss how a Blended Family can become a mended family and the challenges in making this happen.
Disclaimer: None of the legal, or financial opinions or information expressed in this podcast may be relied on as legal, or investment advice by Scheer Law Group, LLP. Laws and economic issues affecting the subjects of this podcast change daily. This mandates specific review of legal or economic issues of interest or concern to you with legal counsel or financial advisors who are experienced in the areas of law or finance discussed in this podcast.For more on Scheer Law Group, LLP, go to
There are special protections afforded to active duty service members (and in some cases their dependents) under state and federal laws. In the Legal Segment, Spencer updates these protections and highlights recent bulletins from the DOJ and CFPB to lenders, servicers and landlords advising that they better comply.
Then join Spencer as he interviews economist Allison Schrager. Allison wrote a best-selling book called An Economist Walks Into a Brothel and Other Unexpected Places to Understand Risk. In her book Allison highlights the concept of risk, how it can work for or against you in life and what you can do to even the odds and fight self-destructive habits. From the brothel to world championship poker player Phil Hellmuth, to Pentagon general H.R. McMaster, Schrager explores risk in some high stakes arenas and shows how you can use five principals to identify risk patterns in your life and make then work for you.Then Spencer and Allison discuss the Great Reset.
The concept of the Great Reset has been ongoing for years, but it gained much greater visibility and traction in June of 2020, when it was Title of the 50th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum. The concept is supported by politicians, activists and businesses all over the world and has three central concepts:1. Creating conditions for a “stakeholder economy”2. Building into all economies “equitable or sustainable” policies based onenvironmental, social, and governance metrics to further environmental, and social agendas i.e. government scorecards to rate the adherence of its citizens to these goals and rewarding or penalizing those who comply or fail to comply3. Harness the emerging technological innovations (Called the Fourth IndustrialRevolution i.e. AI, new industrial materials etc. for the public good, as opposed to private profit.In the words of the IMF: green growth, smarter growth, and fairer growth.However, critics see it much differently and view it as: An alliance of unelected and powerful people worldwide who want to limit national sovereignty and impose a global rearrangement of the social and economic system (based on socialist principles) to take away assets and rights from those who don’t conform to the new system, and reward those who do conform.Listen as Allison and Spencer discuss this subject and see what you think.Disclaimer: None of the legal, or financial opinions or information expressed in this podcast may be relied on as legal, or investment advice by Scheer Law Group, LLP. Laws and economic issues affecting the subjects of this podcast change daily. This mandates specific review of legal or economic issues of interest or concern to you with legal counsel or financial advisors who are experienced in the areas of law or finance discussed in this podcast.For more on Scheer Law Group, LLP, go to
Ep14: Depressed After the Holidays? Let the Schwartz Be With You (Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz Interview)
The impact of the pandemic on the mental health of all Americans can’t be overstated. Anxiety depression and suicides are at record levels, with disproportionate impact on the young and elderly, who struggle with isolation, fear and loneliness. A recent N. Y. Times article in December of 2021, cited a survey of 1320 Therapists. 9 out of 10 reported that they are being overwhelmed with clients seeking help, many for the first time over anxiety, financial stress and other issues, and that they fear the problem is getting much worse.
The solution to anxiety or depression is not one dimensional, but many professionals seek a reductionist answer focusing on a “one size fits all” answer or response to the problem. For a wonderful overview of multiple factors that can impact mental health and anxiety, I recommend a podcast by Timothy Keller called the Wounded Spirit. course anyone suffering from anxiety or depression should seek professional help and this podcast is not offering medical advice. Everyone must examine all options available when addressing anxiety or depression.
In 2019 I read a book called You are not Your Brain by Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz. I found the central concept of the book fascinating: In essence much like wearing in a path in the ground by repeatedly walking over the same turf over and over again you can repeatedly wear grooves into your own brain by repeated negative messaging. Your brain, a passive organ, then broadcasts these negative messages back to you whether you want to hear them or not: I call them “Bad Brain messages” that can lead to anxiety and stress.
Listen, as I interview Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz, as he discusses his Book, You are not your Brain, and how you can help turn off Bad Brain messages and use the concept of neuroplasticity as one tool to deal with anxiety and stress.Disclaimer: None of the legal, or financial opinions or information expressed in this podcast may be relied on as legal, or investment advice by Scheer Law Group, LLP. Laws and economic issues affecting the subjects of this podcast change daily. This mandates specific review of legal or economic issues of interest or concern to you with legal counsel or financial advisors who are experienced in the areas of law or finance discussed in this podcast.For more on Scheer Law Group, LLP, go to
2021 was a wild year. We hope 2022 will be better. After a world-wide pandemic, lockdowns, vaccinations and turbulent economic, political and social turmoil, we could use a rest.
However, life does not work that way, and as we enter the new year, we want to give a brief recap of some new laws affecting Lenders in 2022, and trends we have observed in 2021 that we think may continue to take hold in 2022, including:
In the face of all this uncertainty, and change, you may be tempted to just fly to Vegas, or go down to your local casino and put all your money on Lucky 7 at the roulette table, and hope for the best. We don’t recommend it. But if you do, listen to Spencer’s interview with entrepreneur and gaming industry insider Rick Lopez, it could be one of the smartest investments of your time that you have made all year.
We hope you have enjoyed the Truth Serum podcast. It is a labor of love and we are starting to get some national traction. We just passed 10K downloads in less than 8 months and are interviewing nationally known and interesting guests on everything that matters. If you like what you hear, please give us Five star rating and leave some feedback wherever you get your podcasts.
Disclaimer: None of the legal, or financial opinions or information expressed in this podcast may be relied on as legal, or investment advice by Scheer Law Group, LLP. Laws and economic issues affecting the subjects of this podcast change daily. This mandates specific review of legal or economic issues of interest or concern to you with legal counsel or financial advisors who are experienced in the areas of law or finance discussed in this podcast.
For more on Scheer Law Group, LLP, go to
Christmas Special Podcast From Spencer Scheer: Interview with Eric Metaxas
December 3, 2021
2021 has been a tumultuous year, as we come out of a worldwide pandemic, and the seismic social and economic repercussions that are still reverberating. Spencer thought it would be appropriate to end this year’s Truth Serum podcast series with a Christmas special and examine this centuries old message of hope.
Whether you believe in the Savior, Santa Claus or no one at all you will find this Episode to be interesting and worthwhile.
Spencer will be interviewing internationally acclaimed and New York Times best-selling author Eric Metaxas. Eric also hosts a nationally syndicated talk show called appropriately: The Eric Metaxas Show. Join Spencer as he interviews Eric about his most recent book: Is Atheism Dead? They discuss whether God was ever really dead as proclaimed by Time Magazine in 1969 and whether recent scientific, archeological and biblical evidence points conclusively to a creator and who that creator might be.
Then join Spencer in our Where is he Love? segment as he hits the streets in Northern CA to ask both believers and non-believers alike if they believe in an afterlife and what they plan on doing if they do in fact get to heaven.
For more information on Eric’s Book Is Atheism Dead? go
Disclaimer: This Christmas Episode is from Spencer Scheer and not Scheer Law Group, LLP
Disclaimer: None of the legal, or financial opinions or information expressed in this podcast may be relied on as legal, or investment advice by Scheer Law Group, LLP. Laws and economic issues affecting the subjects of this podcast change daily. This mandates specific review of legal or economic issues of interest or concern to you with legal counsel or financial advisors who are experienced in the areas of law or finance discussed in this podcast.
November 22, 2021
Get ready for SLG’s CHRISTMAS PODCAST SPECIAL to be released on December 1, 2021. Whether you believe in the Savior, Santa Claus, or no one at all, you will find this Episode to be interesting and worthwhile. Spencer will be interviewing internationally acclaimed and New York Times best-selling author Eric Metaxas. Eric also hosts a nationally syndicated talk show called, appropriately: The Eric Metaxas Show. Join Spencer as he interviews Eric about his most recent book: Is Atheism Dead? They discuss whether God was ever really dead as proclaimed by Time Magazine in 1969 and whether recent scientific, archeological and biblical evidence points conclusively to a creator and who that creator might be. Then join Spencer in our Where is he Love? segment as he hits the streets in Northern CA to ask both believers and non-believers alike if they believe in an afterlife and what they plan on doing if they do in fact get to heaven. For more information on Eric’s Book Is Atheism Dead? go to:
Disclaimer: None of the legal, or financial opinions or information expressed in this podcast may be relied on as legal, or investment advice by Scheer Law Group, LLP. Laws and economic issues affecting the subjects of this podcast change daily. This mandates specific review of legal or economic issues of interest or concern to you with legal counsel or financial advisors who are experienced in the areas of law or finance discussed in this podcast.
November 8, 2021
In our legal segment will examine legal and economic issues impacting lenders, landlords and investors, including Fed tapering of QE, increased federal regulation of crypto currency, including stable coins and the end of mortgage forbearance.
Then join Spencer at the Shootout at the Inflation and Deflation Corral. In late July of this year, he interviewed Steven Van Metre a well-known financial advisor, and in August he interviewed renown economist A. Gary Shilling, Both are contrarians calling for near term deflation and bond and mortgage rates to decline to as low as 1% in the near future.
In this interview, he will give you excerpts from both interviews and then will present his interview with Kevin Muir a well-known market trader and an inflationist, to get the other side of the story.
Stay tuned as Truth Serum presents the Shootout at the Inflation and Deflation Corral. Anyone following the stock, bond or RE market should listen carefully because backing the wrong gun fighter, may turn out to be the worst decision you made in 2021 and 2022.
Disclaimer: None of the legal, or financial opinions or information expressed in this podcast may be relied on as legal, or investment advice by Scheer Law Group, LLP. Laws and economic issues affecting the subjects of this podcast change daily. This mandates specific review of legal or economic issues of interest or concern to you with legal counsel or financial advisors who are experienced in the areas of law or finance discussed in this podcast.
October 26, 2021
Previously, in this series we have examined how “Big Tech”, in allegiance with governments all over the world are using A-I algorithms to mine your personal data and create your “digital twin.” They use your data to predict your buying habits and to rate your political and social interests and behavior, and in some instances to reward, punish or censor you as a result. The emergent use of digital currency will enable Big Tech and governments a transformative surveillance mechanism that if left unchecked will rob us all of any rights to privacy. China has already started this process and Western nations are not far behind.
In this conclusion to our series, we will examine the role increasing role that A-I will take in our future at work, home and in society. We will examine whether it will liberate or dominate us, and look at some upcoming uses of A-I that are on the horizon. They present both exciting opportunities and serious ethical challenges that must be considered and resolved. Join Spencer as he interviews futurist Thomas Frey to discuss:
Disclaimer: None of the legal, or financial opinions or information expressed in this podcast may be relied on as legal, or investment advice by Scheer Law Group, LLP. Laws and economic issues affecting the subjects of this podcast change daily. This mandates specific review of legal or economic issues of interest or concern to you with legal counsel or financial advisors who are experienced in the areas of law or finance discussed in this podcast.
October 8, 2021
New Laws and Regulations resulting from the use of Digital Currency and AI technologies will transform our lives in ways we never considered. In this 3 part series we take a look at the social, economic and legal repercussions of these transformative technologies on your right to privacy and way of life. In Part 2 Spencer interviews Pippa Malmgren (noted economist, author and Presidential advisor), to get an inside look at the issues we will face next few months and years, and how they will impact, lenders, investors and almost everyone on the planet. One of the best interviews on this subject you will hear all year!
Consider the following:
* Using Buckminster Fuller’s Knowledge Doubling Curve: Human knowledge now doubles every 12 hours!
* Digital Currency will likely replace paper money in the next 1-3 years. There will be increased efficiency, but the price to be paid will likely be many of your rights to privacy.
* Bitcoin is likely not the answer.* AI now allows predictive analysis of what you will do by government and big tech. Your cell phone and keyboard are “Trojan horses” to create your “digital twin.”* The law may or may not protect you from surveillance and loss of privacy. New laws coming into effect in China in 11.21, set the stage for what is coming.
* Big Brother or Star Trek? The choice is not binary. It could be both.
Please join SLG in supporting Food for the Poor, helping victims of disaster all over the world and most recently, those impacted by the earthquake in Haiti.
Disclaimer: None of the legal, or financial opinions or information expressed in this podcast may be relied on as legal, or investment advice by Scheer Law Group, LLP. Laws and economic issues affecting the subjects of this podcast change daily. This mandates specific review of legal or economic issues of interest or concern to you with legal counsel or financial advisors who are experienced in the areas of law or finance discussed in this podcast.
September 29, 2021
New Laws and Regulations resulting from the use of Digital Currency and AI technologies will transform our lives in ways we never considered. In this 3 part series we take a look at the social, economic and legal repercussions of these transformative technologies. We interview Pippa Malmgren (noted economist, author and Presidential advisor), and Thomas Frey, engineer, entrepreneur and futurist, to get an inside look at the issues we will face next few months and years, and how they will impact, lenders, investors and almost everyone on the planet.
Consider the following:
* Human knowledge now doubles every 12 hours!
* Digital Currency will likely replace paper money in the next 1-3 years. There will be increased efficiency, but the price to be paid will likely be many of your rights to privacy.
* Bitcoin is likely not the answer.
* AI now allows predictive analysis of what you will do by government and big tech. Your cell phone and keyboard are “Trojan horses” to create your “digital twin.”
* The law may or may not protect you from surveillance and loss of privacy. New laws coming into effect in China in 11.21, set the stage for what is coming.
* Big Brother or Star Trek? The choice is not binary. It could be both.
Don’t Miss our Where is the Love segment, as we get out on the streets to find out if those in California would support paying a monthly fee (like your cell phone bill), if it would stop “big tech” and Google in particular from using and misusing your personal information.
Then join me for an excerpt of a fascinating interview with Philippa Malmgren. The full interview will be released next week, but I could not help but giving a sneak peek. It is that good. I can promise, whether you agree with Pippa or not, you will be challenged to consider what she is saying and to prepare now.
Then tune in to our Legal Segment as we bring you up to speed on the latest news affecting Lenders, Landlords and Investors, with a special review of new laws and regulations impacting privacy rights.
Please join SLG in supporting Food for the Poor, helping victims of disaster all over the world and most recently, those impacted by the earthquake in Haiti.
Disclaimer: None of the legal, or financial opinions or information expressed in this podcast may be relied on as legal, or investment advice by Scheer Law Group, LLP. Laws and economic issues affecting the subjects of this podcast change daily. This mandates specific review of legal or economic issues of interest or concern to you with legal counsel or financial advisors who are experienced in the areas of law or finance discussed in this podcast.
September 1, 2021
Don’t Miss our Where is the Love segment, as we get out on the streets to find out if those in Northern CA have had enough of the foreclosure and eviction moratoriums, or if they want them to continue.
Then join Spencer as he interviews Joel Bowen, current President of the California Credit Union Collectors Counsel to discuss the impact of the pandemic on credit unions and whether there are big changes in store for the industry.
Then tune in to our Legal Segment as Spencer brings you up to speed on the latest news affecting Lenders, Landlords and Investors, from new FDCPA rules governing social media interaction from collectors, to Di Fi regulation or lack of it. He covers it all.
Please join SLG in supporting Food for the Poor, helping victims of disaster all over the world and most recently, those impacted by the earthquake and typhoon in Haiti.
Disclaimer: None of the legal, or financial opinions or information expressed in this podcast may be relied on as legal, or investment advice by Scheer Law Group, LLP. Laws and economic issues affecting the subjects of this podcast change daily. This mandates specific review of legal or economic issues of interest or concern to you with legal counsel or financial advisors who are experienced in the areas of law or finance discussed in this podcast.
August 17, 2021
Our Legal Segment takes you faster than the “Speed of Fright” and gives headlines of new and proposed laws affecting Lenders, Landlords and Investors. Finally, in our Where is the Love Segment: Listen in as Spencer finishes his interview of America: Election fraud, the death penalty, marijuana use and racism are some of the subjects of big concern to America. Find out what Americans have to say if they were President of the U.S. for one day and could do one thing to make this country better.
Disclaimer: None of the legal, or financial opinions or information expressed in this podcast may be relied on as legal, or investment advice by Scheer Law Group, LLP. Laws and economic issues affecting the subjects of this podcast change daily. This mandates specific review of legal or economic issues of interest or concern to you with legal counsel or financial advisors who are experienced in the areas of law or finance discussed in this podcast.
July 30, 2021
New Emergency CFPB COVID-19 Regulations re Residential Mortgages go into effect August 31, 2021.
1% Mortgage Rates by the end of the year? Don’t laugh, we have solid reasons why and why deflation, not inflation is the biggest problem facing the Fed. Listen to Spencer interview noted financial advisor Steven Van Metre.
Hear what Americans think about the social and political divide in this nation, as Spencer interviews America in the Where is the Love? Segment.
New CFPB Emergency Regulations: The potential impact of variants aside, it is clear that the pandemic has receded in the U.S. Even so, stimulus and forbearance programs on federal, state and local levels continue at a record pace. This seems to be morphing from needed emergency economic assistance to social engineering. In our Legal Segment, we will analyze some of the economic factors impacting recovery in the U.S. and will look at recent emergency C-19 regulations issued by the CFPB to prolong mortgage foreclosure relief into 2022 and beyond.
1% Mortgage rates by Year End? In our interview segment, Spencer interviews Steven Van Metre, a noted financial advisor who believes that this may be inevitable. Steven has espoused a contrarian position over the last year, calling for deflation and predicting that government bond yields would nose dive, when almost everyone else was and is calling for inflation and skyrocketing rates. Learn why, and protect yourself now, if you agree.
Finally, in our where is the Love Segment: We will find the love in the American People. Join Spencer and his lovely assistant the one and only Marti Scheer as they go across the country to interview people asking one simple question:
You may be surprised at the answers they received.
Disclaimer: None of the legal, or financial opinions or information expressed in this podcast may be relied on as legal, or investment advice by Scheer Law Group, LLP. Laws and economic issues affecting the subjects of this podcast change daily. This mandates specific review of legal or economic issues of interest or concern to you with legal counsel or financial advisors who are experienced in the areas of law or finance discussed in this podcast.
Sunday, June 20, 2021, 5:00:00 AM
Many are forecasting inflation, even run-away inflation as a result of massive government stimulus and money printing. Quietly, however, a growing number of economists are predicting deflation, including deflation of the residential RE market. In the legal segment, Spencer will examine massive hidden stimulus resulting from legal roadblocks to enforcement of lender and landlord rights, and why continuation of eviction, foreclosure and payment moratoriums may be signaling residential real estate deflation and a recession.
No interview this month in this abbreviated episode, with a special interview in our next Episode.
In our final segment, we will take a detour from our WHERE IS THE LOVE segment and will travel to the BIZZARO WORLD to look at just how far things have changed since the official onset of the pandemic last year.
Thursday, June 10, 2021, 5:00:00 PM
Federal, State, Local and governments are increasingly regulating every area of life. When is the state overreaching and when is it acting legitimately to balance the rights between landlords and tenants? Examine increasing regulation of landlord and tenant relationships in CA, governing everything from rent control to a recently enacted law in 2021 requiring that landlords accept Section 8 vouchers or face discrimination lawsuits. Then join Spencer as he interviews Jon Seigel a well-known landlord counsel as they discuss these laws and the impact on Landlords and Lenders in CA. Key insights into real world issues facing lenders and landlords in court and how to respond to them. Finally, in our Where is The Love Segment, Spencer will examine some ridiculous laws passed over the years. He will compare them to even more ridiculous laws recently passed because of the state of emergency arising under the pandemic to see if there needs to be a more rigorous effort balance health and safety concerns with personal liberty in order to “Keep the Love”.
Wednesday, May 26, 2021, 2:23:12 PM
Episode 2: Anything can and will happen to lenders, landlords and investors in the United States Bankruptcy Court. Examine some of the most impacting trends, as Spencer takes you through the bankruptcy demolition derby and what you can do to avoid demolition of your rights. Then listen as Spencer interviews retired Bankruptcy Judge Alan Jaroslovsky and get Judge’s take on these issues along with colorful stories of his years on the bench. Finally, in the Where is the Love Segment, Spencer will examine the recent case of Martin v City of Boise. allowing homeless people to sleep or camp on public property and the potential for further devastating impact on the rule of law in this country. DISCLAIMER: The thoughts and opinions in this podcast or on the SLG website cannot be relied on as legal or investment advice. If you have questions relating to the issues raised in this podcast or from reviewing the SLG website, review with your legal counsel or investment specialist.
Friday, May 7, 2021, 10:12:18 AM
There has been a tsunami of recent CA and Federal Laws affecting loans, leases, evictions, and foreclosures. Laws are changing daily. Stay up to date and learn why these new laws add billions of hidden stimulus to a growing national debt and whether this will lead to runway real estate inflation or deflation. Then listen in as Spencer interviews “everyman” Matt Mulldoon to debate whether we are facing inflation or deflation and whether crypto currency is the future and the way out of government regulation of currency. Finally, in our Where is the Love Segment, see if you agree with Spencer that MLB’s recent move of the All Star game out of Georgia to Colorado is just one more example of corporate overreach. Weigh in on whether a national cage fighting match might be a better way to solve intractable political problems.
DISCLAIMER: The thoughts and opinions in this podcast or on the SLG website cannot be relied on as legal or investment advice. If you have questions relating to the issues raised in this podcast or from reviewing the SLG website, review with your legal counsel or investment specialist.
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