Note: Disclaimer: None of the legal, or financial opinions or information expressed in SLG’s podcast may be relied on as legal, or investment advice by Scheer Law Group, LLP. Laws and economic issues affecting the subjects of SLG’s podcast change daily. This mandates specific review of legal or economic issues of interest or concern to you with legal counsel or financial advisors who are experienced in the areas of law or finance discussed in the podcast.
From: Spencer Scheer
Date: September 29, 2021
To: All SLG Clients and Affiliates: 3 Part Podcast Series: Seismic Social-Financial Quake Dead Ahead: The Beginning of the End of Your Privacy Rights, and The Future of Money.
( Digital Currency-A and Your Rights to Privacy).
Subject: We Just released our Latest Podcast, Episode 8: The Beginning of the End of Your Privacy Rights, and The Future of Money ( Digital Currency, AI and Your Rights to Privacy).
New Laws and Regulations resulting from the use of Digital Currency and AI technologies will transform our lives in ways we never considered.
In this 3 part series we take a look at the social, economic and legal repercussions of these transformative technologies. We interview Pippa Malmgren (noted economist, author and Presidential advisor), and Thomas Frey, engineer, entrepreneur and futurist, to get an inside look at the issues we will face next few months and years, and how they will impact, lenders, investors and almost everyone on the planet.
Consider the following:
– Human knowledge now doubles every 12 hours!
– Digital currency will likely replace paper money in the next 1-3 years. There will be increased efficiency, but the price to be paid will likely be many of your rights to privacy.
– Bitcoin is likely not the answer.
– AI now allows predictive analysis of what you will do by government and big tech. Your cell phone and keyboard are “Trojan horses” to create your “digital twin” and to allow more surveillance of your life.
– The law may or may not protect you from surveillance and loss of privacy. New laws coming into effect in China in 11.21, set the stage for what is coming.
– Big Brother or Star Trek? The choice is not binary. It could be both.
Don’t Miss our Where is the Love segment, as we get out on the streets to find out if those in California would support paying a monthly fee (like your cell phone bill), if it would stop “big tech” and Google in particular from using and misusing your personal information.
Then join me for an excerpt of a fascinating interview with Phillipa Malmgrem. The full interview will be released next week, but I could not help but giving a sneak peek. It is that good! I can promise, whether you agree with Pippa or not, you will be challenged to consider what she is saying and to prepare now for what she says is coming.
Then tune in to our Legal Segment as we bring you up to speed on the latest news affecting Lenders, Landlords and Investors, with a special review of new laws and regulations impacting privacy rights.
You can find out podcast at:
Please send me your comments, good or bad and suggestions for future guests and subjects.
For more on Scheer Law Group, LLP, go to
Spencer Scheer
155 N. Redwood Drive, Suite 100
San Rafael, CA 94903
Telephone: (415) 491-8900
Facsimile: (415) 491-8910
85 Argonaut, Suite 202
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
Telephone: (949) 263-8757
Facsimile: (949) 308-7373
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